UK Nuclear Science Forum (UKNSF)
The work of the UKNSF covers the measurement and evaluation of nuclear data for applications in the nuclear industry, nuclear medicine and protection of the environment.

Nuclear data includes…
Radioactive decay data
Spectra and angular distributions of emitted particles
Fission yields
Integral data
Neutron production
Neutron cross sections
Charged particle and photon cross sections
Experimental measurements
Useful nuclear data links and resources
Nuclear data are available from direct measurements (published in the scientific literature) or from compilations of measurements.
- Working Party on International Nuclear Data Evaluation Co-operation (WPEC)
Promotes exchange of information on nuclear data evaluations, measurements, calculations etc.NPL Nuclear Spectrometry Users’ Forum
NPL Ionising Radiation Metrology Forum
NPL Neutron Users’ Club

Become a UKNSF member
Membership is open to all users, measurers and evaluators of nuclear data in the UK. There are two meetings a year, usually in May and November.